My journey, of battling PCOS, has been the same as yours. I was diagnosed with PCOS in the winters of 2017. That December, after the doctors told me that PCOS was common in most women of my age, I spent a lot of time looking it up on the internet, as if I had to confirm the medical diagnosis with the symptoms mentioned online. I could relate to them all though. All of that sudden weight gain and the hair on my face, all of those times that my periods were either too late or too early, the fatigue, the acne. Everything made sense. I dug further into the nature of it and came across the future risks that came with this syndrome i.e.,
- Insulin resistance
- type 2 diabetes
- heart disease
- ovarian cancer
- endometriosis
- high cholesterol
- high blood pressure
It was too much. It was too unnerving.
The past two years had been a struggle. I was, almost constantly, feeling sick, exhausted, frustrated and depressed. I had an extremely irregular menstrual cycle and not to mention the awful cramps. I had started hating myself for who I had become, with all the weight gain and facial hair. Depression, being one of my major symptoms, had sucked out all of my enthusiasm and energy. I felt a void growing inside of me. It was a feeling that made me completely hopeless and helpless. And alone. Being completely unaware of what PCOS was, I ignored all these symptoms until one day when I was bleeding for more than 10 days and I had to rush to the doctor. The gynecologist then prescribed me some birth control pills. I took the prescribed medications quite religiously but it was as if I was falling deeper into this hormonal chaos. It all had affected my confidence a bit too much and it seemed as if there was nothing I could do.
I had been told by the doctors and the internet, that PCOS is incurable. ‘You just have to live with it!’ I wanted to get out of this loop of constant dissatisfaction. I wasn’t who I was with PCOS. I had a life to live after all and it certainly wasn’t this one! It was then, that I realized that I had to empower myself and take control of my health. I had to do it for myself because no one else could do it for me. No pill. No doctor.
As I looked into ways to better my condition, I came across books about holistic health, and PCOS healing. I researched about its causes and its possible cure. I did it all! Visiting fitness and wellness experts, doctors, holistic health professionals and knowing more about what could help.
I then started implementing some changes in my own life– one step at a time. I could immediately feel the benefits of these changes. I had started to feel better and so, I continued pouring countless hours into research and reading about PCOS, knowledge of health, wellness and inner balance.
I began with sustainable lifestyle changes in my nutrition and sedentary lifestyle. Slowly and steadily, I improved my eating habits and included exercise in my daily routine as well. I also started to improve my nutrient deficiency with the help of Ayurvedic herbs.
Techniques like Yoga, Pranayama worked miraculously for me and helped strengthen my ovaries and the reproductive system. It was a delight to physically notice my improvement. In a matter of a few months, I had transformed, from getting breathless by climbing a few stairs to trekking my way up the peaks.
I have completed 10 hard treks in the Sahyadri region so far and in December 2019, I also completed the AMK trek (a continuous 3-day trek, which is the hardest in Maharashtra). Trekking till date proves to be the best and my personal favorite exercise for battling PCOS, cutting stress out, regaining energy and becoming fitter. Nature indeed heals the best!
I also learnt about the science of sleep routine and some interesting things about how managing emotional health and relationships has a profound effect on your PCOS condition.
I gradually also started practicing meditation for a few minutes every day and soon, calm grew with time. I will not lie. I did take a lot of sincerity and dedication but, I loved who I was becoming. I could sense a different kind of happiness and positivity.
The results of my persistence?
- I had lost about 10 kilograms of weight.
- I started getting regular 28-day menstrual cycles.
- My acne and facial hair disappeared.
- My hair loss became nil.
- My energy, fitness, strength, flexibility had increased.
- I got a glowing skin.
- My mind, body and soul were in harmony.
- My approach towards nutrition, exercise, medicines and supplements became more holistic.
- Developed sleep strategies
It was a true transformation! It had been a long time since I felt so healthy and energetic. I had created a perfect health management strategy for myself. I had gained a lot of knowledge about the art and science of healing PCOS, reversing and controlling it, and regaining health and wellbeing!
This is not just my story, but thousands of women out there who have taken control of their PCOS by making lifestyle changes. There are women who have conceived naturally and also regulated menstrual cycles. Some have also been successful in dissolving the cysts! It is scientifically proven, that exercising, losing the extra kilos ,along with a proper diet and supplements really does wonders to control PCOS
I realized that thousands of teenage girls and young women in India are under the PCOS fog and that too with no knowledge and guidance. Most are clueless about the truth. Just like I was, in the very beginning.
So here I am, trying to help you in your journey through PCOS Virago. The goal is simple. To educate women with PCOS in every way possible. To provide them with personalised, affordable and science-backed PCOS management programs. And to support them morally.
Empathy became the most powerful thing of my entire journey and through PCOS Virago I wish to help each and everyone of you to heal PCOS and find a path to hope, happiness, fertility and femininity.
From one cyster to another, we’ll get through PCOS together!

Wow, that’s really wonderful
Thanks Aprajita
I really appreciate your patience and your passion. You are an inspiration to girls like me. I really want to be the one like you
Thank you very much Ayushi 🙂
I got so inspired when iread the things.Salute to ur struggle and patience any mannyy more things Anushka.And also u r doing a fabulous work by educating and creating awareness about PCOS👍👍KEEP GOING. ALL THE BEST
Kudos to you, Anushka!
Your Story is inspirational. After winning the battle, now you are on a mission to help other women with the same with this project. It’s great! Best wishes to you and Team for this. 🙏
Read your story. I absolutely didn’t know anything about it until I read it today. Sorry to hear about the painful days you had gone through. I’m so happy for you that you came out of it. And I agree, you are looking so beautiful not just from outside but also from inside. Indeed it’s gonna help many new buds. Need real courage to share your own story and having a great heart for Spreading awareness is the best thing you are doing.
Hej Anushka.
Great journey. It is inspirational and helps me to not give up. I have been exercising a lot, meditate and also go on daily walks.My weight is better now but still some way to go. My PCOS diagnosis is from 2017 , niw my cycles are better but facial hair and hairloss and fatigue is still there.
You mentioned Ayurvedic herbs, can you let me know what they are and what else i can do?
Your story is so inspirational loved the way you narrated