


We recognize the challenges that women face due to PCOS symptoms and we are here to tell you just one simple thing – ‘YOU can fight this’. Our team constantly updates and curates practical and science-backed resources, blogs, and information and connects you with a community of women who understand. Our PCOS experts will guide you in adopting a holistic approach towards your health and wellness while helping you in your PCOS reversal journey. We’ll get through this together!

Our latest blog posts

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Dr Kinjal on PCOS…

PCOS, popularly known as Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, is a multisystem disorder which generally affects women in the age group of 15-45 years (reproductive age). In this syndrome, there are various…
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Anushka’s journey of battling PCOS

My journey, of battling PCOS, has been the same as yours. I was diagnosed with PCOS in the winters of 2017. That December, after the doctors told me that PCOS…
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Sleeping your way into a good life!

The power of sleep is often underestimated. Little do people know the importance of a quality slumber. It is an integral aspect of PCOS recovery and must not be overlooked.…

A peek into the ancient solutions!

Ayurveda is a 3,000-year-old science which supports holistic healing and is based on the belief that health and wellness depend on the harmony of the mind, body and spirit. Contrary…